Marketing Automation Software | CRM for Consultants | Automate Your Workflow );

Marketing Automation Software

With the growing need of marketers to capture leads, nurture them further down the sales funnel, and analyse lead behaviour and campaign performance, many are turning to Marketing Automation Software. With the maturity of marketing automation tools, these are now essential for B2C and B2B marketing and sales teams looking to grow their business.

Many small business owners report an average of up to 70% of time spent on marketing. Now marketing automation software is not only positioned for business growth but business efficiency as well. Automating lead generation campaigns, social networking and lead nurturing enables marketers and small business owners to generate high levels of efficiency.

Marketing Automation Works

Marketing automation can help attract and retain clients and fundamental help your business succeed. For instance, companies report that marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and 12.2% reduction in marketing costs overall. Nurturing leads with marketing automation has seen a 451% increase in qualified leads. Those nurtured leads, in turn, result in purchases 47% larger than their non-nurtured counterparts.

What is Marketing Automation Software?

Most Marketing Automation Software platforms have an inherent overlapping functionality found in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.  Marketing Automation platforms tend to lean heavily towards scaling and acceleration of marketing efforts while making each touch point with lead significantly more personalised and focussed. The most robust marketing automation software will help marketers and small business owners capture leads, develop relationships, and move prospective clients through the sales pipeline at scale. Simply put, it can move 10’s, 100’s or even 100’s of prospects through the sale pipeline on autopilot.

Functional categories such as email, social media, web marketing, multi-channel marketing, and analytics are the fundamentals of robust marketing automation software. Marketers and Small Business owners are challenged with harnessing customer data from the plethora of sources. Marketing Automation is the method is harnessing the data and developing marketing campaigns and tasks that work seamlessly across the multitude of sources.

What is a Marketing Automation?

Most marketing automation software platforms will not turn your brand into a robot. Most will simply automate processes. But the best marketing automation software platforms like ANSOV, automates branding efforts as well. Automating functions such as regular social media posting including automation of thought-leadership posts, comments on trending topics are essential to brand building.

Regardless of the differing needs and interests of prospective clients, marketing automation lets you scale your efforts to build relationships with thousands of prospects across various channels while providing them with a consistent experience. Marketers and Small Business Owners can even build more meaningful relationships with prospects with marketing automation software through proper segmentation of audiences thus providing them with content that is relevant to their interests.  


Marketing Automation Software

Marketing Automation is far less useful if the marketing automation system chosen is in itself data intensive. Luckily, today’s marketing automation software is a far cry from manual campaign building and email content writing.

Marketing automation software can provide a secure, streamlined option for small business or consultants and business coaches marketing management. It provides an organised place for all your information while providing the added benefits of:

  • Saving up to seven percent of time deciding on marketing campaigns and writing content.
  • Automating marketing activities saves time and time is money resulting in huge cost savings.
  • Scaling your marketing activities will be cost-free and sets the stage for years of growth.
  • Marketing Automation makes easy work of strengthening the relationship with sales and marketing teams.
  • In today’s data-driven world, reporting on campaign performance will give critical insights into what works and what doesn’t.

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, marketing automation software is nothing short of mainstream in this this digital era we find ourselves in. However, as Marketers come to terms with the pace of digital evolution in business, marketing automation is only at the beginning of the revolution. When a company move towards digital transformation – marketing automation becomes the term to describe a solution, platform or tool that empowers a company to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows.

Fundamentally activities like email automation to lead generation to revenue contributing sales pipelines. While marketing automation is only just emerging, it is destined to become a staple of every small business, consultant, or business coach marketing strategy.

Marketing Automation Works

Marketing automation can help attract and retain clients and fundamental help your business succeed. For instance, companies report that marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and 12.2% reduction in marketing costs overall. Nurturing leads with marketing automation has seen a 451% increase in qualified leads. Those nurtured leads, in turn, result in purchases 47% larger than their non-nurtured counterparts.

How can ANSOV help you with marketing automation?

Your business will thrive with ease with the help of marketing automation software. It keeps you up to date and on top of all your marketing activities at a significantly low cost. Marketing automation software is a great investment for any small business, consultant, or business coach.

Manage your business with powerful marketing automation software.

ANSOV helps you to automate your marketing activities in an easy, powerful and low-cost way.


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